How to lose 20 pounds in 2 months?

I'm 14 years old. 5"1 and 120 pounds. My mom and dad made me a deal that if I lose 20 punds in 2 months, they will buy me an iphone, buy me the dress that I want for grad and will give me 20 dollars for every pound that I lose (400 dollars in total I guess). Please help and no hate please. Tell me your story and how you lost 20 lbs in 2 months. What were your ways? Healthy ways. Reply As soon as possible. I wanna start at the beginning of may.

Losing 20 pounds will make you underweight, you're fine right where you are. I highly doubt your parents would encourage this…

I don't think you should be losing any weight. But if you are really set for this then go on a natural foods diet. It sucks but 1 month of eating raw veggies, fruits & nuts (no dairy) will get you results. I lost 15 lbs on 2 weeks doing this and I love it. Basically, be a vegan for as long as you need to lose weight. Drink plenty of water too.

You're already at a healthy weight for your height, so 20 lbs seems a bit drastic, especially since it would put you at such a low weight. It's difficult to lose weight quickly when you don't have much to lose, about 1% of your body weight per week is possible to do in a healthy way. Since you are small, you don't burn as many calories as a taller or heavier person, and it will be hard to lose at the rate you've agreed on with your parents. I estimated that you burn about 1800 calories in a day when mostly sedentary. Someone your age should be eating a minimum of 1500 calories/day if sedentary, and more if active.

You could try eating 1600 calories per day, but you'd need at least 30 minutes of moderate exercise every day in addition to normal daily activities to lose 1 lb/week. To lose 2 lbs/week (the rate you made the deal for), you'd need 2 hours of exercise everyday, and with that much exercise you really should be eating a lot more than 1600. Please talk to your parents, and let them know that the rate you've agreed on wouldn't be healthy for a teen your size.

As for actually losing the weight, join a site that has a food journal (myfitnesspal, caloriecount, there are many others). Keep track of what you eat, weighing your food is most accurate so some scales would be useful. Find an activity you enjoy (walking, cycling, dancing, swimming, jump rope, there are lots of possibilities) and try to do it every day for at least a half hour. Honestly, at your weight, just lifting some heavy weights (Starting Strength is a good program) would make a huge difference in appearance, without needing to lose actual pounds.

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