How to make my PC download things and update things faster?

I'm trying to restore my iphone after a jailbreak gone bad and its taking forever! Is there anything i could do to speed up the process? Its always like this i just don't know how to fix it

First ensure your computer is running optimally. Close any background apps that may be running, and ensure you're virus/malware free as well. Remember just because you aren't seeing pop ups or anything indicative of a virus does not mean you are virus free, and you may be running slower than you should. Also take into account your internet connection. Is your internet one of those advertised bargain deals for like $15/month, if so then you have a slow connection, with a horrible download speed to begin with, and the oNLY way to fix this is to upgrade your service package. Also how long has it been since you last reset your router? If you find that pages are opening slowly and sometimes you are just waiting for stuff, then perhaps it is time to reset the router. To reset your router unplug it and remove the power supply connection from the back also disconnect the coaxial cable from the back of the router as well, allow it to sit for 5 minutes, reconnect everything and you will be reset and good to go if this is your only issue. Also keep in mind some direct downloads such as firmware from iTunes, can take longer than a typical torrent since you only have 1 source to download the data from.