How to make my photos look better?

The question was little vague but what I meant was is there anyway I can clear up certain photos to make them less blurry? I have an iPhone and my pc is currently being repaired but I want to clear up some photos taken with a bad camera

You can't unblur photos.

Once you press the shutter release on a camera, it is too late to make changes unless you do so by reshooting the blurred shot, this time making sure that the camera and/or subject is not moving which causes blur

iPhones are primarily mobiles which happen to have a camera with a tiny sensor on-board and no matter what the television adverts try to show and tell you, if you want to take photos, buy a real camera and if you want to shoot videos, buy a video camera.

There's very little that you can do to sharpen blurry pictures.

No there's no way to clear up a photo that is blurry.

You can sometimes apply sharpening filters in image editing software which will work for very slight amounts of blur - such as very slight camera shake. But if an image is out of focus, I'm afraid you are stuck with it the way it is.

Take a better photo that's in focus next time.

If you learn photography, you will understand how to use even the camera on a phone to get more than just decent pictures all the time.

You can use the sharpening tool in software such as photoshop to un-blur a picture but it really only helps minimally. When in doubt, I'm afraid re-shooting is your best option.