How to make my youtube on my iPhone run faster?

Its so slow and just freezes or needs to buffer

Yes. Throw it at a hobo then get your a s s to the store and buy a Galaxy S3.

You could try closing any other apps that are running, especially those using the internet, but I don't think that would make much difference. (Do this by double-clicking the home button and holding a finger down on one app. They should then start to shake and a red minus should appear in the top left of the icon. Tap that to close it.

If you're using mobile internet, you could try moving to an area with better signal - apart from that there's nothing you can do.

If you're connected to your home network, move closer to the router or upgrade your internet package so you get faster download speeds. You can check your speed at

Don't use the youtube app. Use safari and go to then look up whatever video you want to watch.

Close the other apps you are not using. Double click the home button, then hold the app you want to close for a few seconds and press the red button in the corner.

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