How to move on from this loss?

Please no mean comments

Some time ago, I was selected to take part in a world premiere production of a prestigious ballet company. I was so excited, I could taste the opportunity. I had overcome injuries and fears and this was to me, my moment to soak in the fruit of my efforts.

Most of the dancers do all of our makeup ourselves, and in the last ballet I was in, I shared makeup with others because I was just out of school and couldn't afford my own!

This time, was going to be different. So on my way to the theater, I stopped at Sephora and bought my own makeup palette. I just felt happy and relaxed. On my way out of the store, I pulled out my iPhone to see if I still looked presentable after walking to Sephora from my home- it was very windy that day. I couldn't believe just how happy I looked. Is never seen myself so gorgeous! I'm always running around and on the go, looking stressed and whatnot. I took a photo, and, well, my phone deleted it by accident and even after taking it to the apple store, they couldn't get it back.

My parents laughed at my dream, and I still made it. All I wanted was this photo for myself to remind me of how beautiful I could be when I was happy and in the zone of my passion. And now it's gone forever. I just really wanted it. I was wearing the makeup from the previous nights performance, and it was perfect. A beautiful hand me down cost from a dear friend, and my favorite scarf. It was my whole dream wrapped into that image. I'm so sad.

I'm so sorry.
find your friends that came there or the other dancer that might has your pic at least your pic from distant.
what about you ask your friend who proficient in computer maybe there's possibility you can have it back.
better to try it, and just hope that it was a virus accident so your data could be still on your iphone, if nothing could solve it then just let it go.
wait for the next opportunity and make a thousand pics don't forget to take your friend to watch just for a backup if you lost them again
experience is a best teacher anyways.

When something happens to me that I don't like, I try to look for the purpose in it… Something good that can come from it. And maybe you don't have that picture because you weren't meant to. Maybe you aren't supposed to need a picture to remind you of how beautiful you can be when you fulfill your dreams. Maybe that is something that you are supposed to carry inside you and not turn into something tangible or something the world can see. Your journey hasn't been about your parents or people who thought you couldn't make it, and it certainly wasn't about how pretty you can look when you are happy. It was about who you are and what you are made of, and maybe the universe thinks it serves you better to keep that knowledge inside of you so that you can draw from it whenever you need it, as opposed to thinking that all of that could be captured by a single snapshot.

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