How to prevent iPhone glass from breaking?
I have an iPhone 5, and I don't want the glass to break.
So, how can I prevent that? I have a case c:
But it's the front glass, with the touch screen if you know what I mean (:
Oh, and I don't need stupid reactions with: "Don't drop it" and stuff, I know that.
Try Bumpers… Look pretty cool… & good protection!
The best way is to buy a durable iphone cases, you can go to best case mall.
It's not going to break unless you drop it or smash it, and you already have a case so you're safe.
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I used this after I broke my screen. It basically prevents it from cracking. The Addons Buff Anti Shock screen. You can buy it here:
Also, just a little something to help you relax… Even it if does break, you can get it fixed quite easiely and cheapily. When I broke mine I went to a company the does iphone repair and got them to repair the screen.
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