How to put music into an iPhone 4s with a macbook pro?

I've been trying so hard searching this problem up but I still don't get it. Can someone please help me?

I don't understand your question? Are you asking how to put music that is on your Macbook on you iPhone? If so then just plug in the iTunes usb to iPhone cable and sync it, make sure that music library is selected.

You log into your iTunes and stuff on your MacBook.
You to into your iTunes library and check off all the songs you want to be synced to your phone.
You take the cord from charger for your iPhone. Plug the end into your phone other end into your phone.
you plug it in and wait a minute. It should pop up that your iPhone is plugged in.
It will ask you if you want to sync your device you press yes and let it sync and do its stuff! And then properly remove your iPhone so you don't loose stuff. Only remove when it says too and when it's done syncing.
If a pop up doesn't show up you can also click on the side iPhone or what ever you named your iPhone for example mine is my name then iPhone because I have iPhone and iPad and my family is on the same iTunes.

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