How to put songs on my iphone without itunes free?

My apple laptop was stolen from me last year and I'm having a hard time trying to find a easy, FRIENDLY program to work from PC to a iPhone 4S, Anyone have any ideas? I sure miss my ringtones.

You can get the app itube on your phone and download videos from youtube or you can go to thats easy and just follow the instructions

Why not use itunes? Thats easy and you can use mp3, aac, etc

In itunes you can manage songs manually, just download whatever songs off of any website you want and click and drag to iphone music. Thats what i do

ITunes is free and safe. It also has Windows Version for your PC. You can re-download iTunes from Just log in with your own Apple account, then you can put songs on your iPhone with iTunes. If you are looking for iTunes alternative, this ipod transfer should help you.

You can't. The only way to put anything on Apple devices is via iTunes. ITunes is free and your only option unless you jailbreak your device.

Jail breaking carries risks too, if you do it next time Apple pushes out an update to their iOS it could brick your device up. Apple does that on purpose to stop people from doing anything they don't want done.

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