How to quit my phone deal and get an iPhone?

I just got a new phone in August and it's a slider phone. It sucks. It always resets itself randomly and freezes a lot it sucks. We have a 2 year contract with TMobile for this phone and I don't think I can deal with it for another year and a half. How can I convince my parents to let me switch to Verizon to get an iPhone 4? My birthday is in about a week and I was thinking if I get money from that I can use it to buy an iPhone 16gb. How much will it cost roughly for unlimited texting, and around 250 minutes? How much would it cost for unlimited internet? What's the cost for internet if it's not unlimited? Can I break the contract if I'm on a family plan in TMobile to switch to Verizon?

You are required to pay an early termination fee of a few hundred dollars to t-mobile.

Verizon is the largest & most expensive mobile phone provider, you must be 18 to have a contract in your name, so you parents would have to get a single expensive (over $100 - 130) contract on Verizon, which I really doubt they would do it they already have a t-mobile family plan.

You can just "purchase" a new phone for t-mobile, also remember a smartphone would need a data plan costing for money. Welcome to the real world… Cheers.

Iphone 4 is free with a 2 year contract on most carriers. Yeah you probably have to finish your current contract as you aren't even a year into it yet.

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