How to remove a certain voice from a recording? Or make it more quieter?

I recorded a mass in my church from my iphone, and my iphone picked up the sounds closest to it, (which is a woman with a horrible voice).Is there any free audio programs out there that can mute her voice if possible?

Not possible. On a studio recorded track where vocals are split into the left and right channels, it's sometimes possible to reduce or even get rid of the vocals by phase cancellation but for a recording done with an iPhone, there's no way you'll be able to do that.

You can try Audacity which is one of the best freeware audio editors out there. You could try playing around with the clips EQ in Audacity to see if you can alter the sound a bit. But you won't be able to cut out a single voice.

Google 'audacity EQ' for more info.

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