How to see ram and processor in Iphone 6?

I have 64 gb, does that mean i can download many apps?
what's the function of ram?

"does that mean i can download many apps? "
That depends on what apps you're talking about. You can download a few, huge apps, and a ton of relatively small apps. Obviously, you don't have the full 64 Gb of storage. Part of it is used by iOS and is not accessible to you.

RAM is Random Access Memory. It is what pretty much all computers and phones use. When you open a program/app, part of the app is copied to RAM from storage. RAM is a lot faster (many, many times faster) than regular storage. The more RAM you have, the more apps you can have simultaneously open without them slowing down or reloading. IPhones typically have less RAM than their Android counterparts, but they have a huge advantage over them since iOS is very well optimized for each iPhone, that they don't need a whole lot of RAM to run smoothly. You only have 1Gb of RAM on the iPhone 6, but that is still plenty for iOS.

Look up a spec sheet.

Yes, depending on the apps you plan to download you could download a few with that amount of storage.

RAM's function is basically the phone's ability to multitask.