How to set up a student email on an iphone 4s?

How to set up a student email on an iphone 4s?

Go to Settings > Mail, Contacts, Calendars > Add Account…

Then, choose the server your school uses, i.e. Gmail, other, etc.

Then click Add Email Account (if you chose Other) and just fill in the information.

Your school's website or IT administrator should have instructions on how to set up student email in a mail client, such as the one on iOS.

Go to Settings > Mail, Contacts, Calendars > Add Account

Your school likely uses Microsoft Exchange for email; if you're sure they do, select Microsoft Exchange. Type in your email address, password, and optionally create a description. Tap next. This is the part you need from your school as I can't provide it: type in the server's address. If you don't type this in, your email won't work.

If your school does not use Exchange, then select Other on the Add Account page. Select Add Mail Account. Type in your name, your email address, password, and add a description (optional). Now you must consult your school to find whether or not they use POP or IMAP for email, tap on that option, and then fill in the corresponding incoming and outgoing mail servers. As with Exchange, I can't provide this information to you. You must get it from your school. It's relativity easy once you've got the info from your school.