How to stop people from being mean to me?
My family is pretty well off with, I'm not having shopping sprees at Chanel or Burberry, but I do have more than other kids my age. I try my best not to flaunt my wealth, I have a job and I buy myself things with the money I earned.unfortunately everyone, even my best friends, call me spoiled and rich and they are never happy for me. Like recently I traded in my iPhone 4S and got a iPhone 5, I paid the $100 difference with my own money, but I got so much *** for having a nice phone because "'mommy and daddy buy me everything" how can I make them stop? They also always try to force me to pay for them when we go out, and get annoyed when I say I'm just paying for myself cause "oh you're so rich it's not like it matters anyway"
Its your *** money not thiers so don't buy them ***. And *** them there jealous. I get nad and jealous when i see people rich because i wish i was rich. But i don't give them no *** about it.
You should probably get new friends that aren't jealous a**es.
They're just jealous, and tell them to get their life.
Honestly you just have to tell them to shut the *** up. You have your own job and you pay for all of your things. Thats really good. You don't have to have your parents buy you time just tell them that you buy your own *** while their parents still buy them things
Tell them to kiss where the sun don't shine
Well then they aren't true friends they are only trying to put you down and make you feel guilty for them so you could give them money you are strong to tell you're friends (or so-called friends) that you only pay for yourself if I get something nice (which usually I don't) my friends tell me "you're lucky" or congratulations find friends like that.
Dear, its d common thing u're facing today. And if you're talking abt d word MEAN thn u shld knw every1 in dis world is mean except your family.
People met wid 1 or anthr reason they dnt hve any concern wid you and your feelings.
Its better to accept d reality and stop being wid d frnds lyk dem.
Just say so or i don't care
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