How to successfully stay up all night?

So since tomorrow is election day, obviously there's no school tomorrow for most kids. I've always wanted to pull an all-nighter but end up crashing at about 4 or 5 AM. Tonight I want to stay awake the whole night and make it to around 8 or 9 AM. Do you guys have any tips/ways to keep myself awake? Stuff to do? Online games to play?
Here's what I have to work with

TV w/dvd player but no channels
Laptop w/ internet access
Art supplies

BTW- I'm 13

It's not good

Don't get in your bed…

I used to be the same way but just in the last year I have been able to stay up all night. So since you have an iPhone and laptop go onto you and watch marathons of your favorite youtubers. Everyone once in a while stand up and stretch so that you stay up longer. Watch movies. If you don't have any go to for free movies.


Just some of my faves on YouTube
Wish you luck and have fun!

Find caffeine. Soda, make a frappachino/coffee, smoothie, or ice cream!
Don't lay down completely. Just prop yourself up with pillows if you want to be comfortable, or sit in a soft chair. Get up about every 30 minutes so you won't fall asleep.
Download some apps and figure out a score/record you want to beat. TEXT PEOPLE.
Watch movies/t.v on Modern Family, The Neighbors, The Mindy Project, and The Middle are great shows.
Draw something random but spend time on it.

One word… Redbull