How to switch from at&t to Straigh Talk Unlimited?
I have an iPhone 3GS under an at&t contract. My grandmother just recently passed away and everything is in her name, so the contract is going to be null/void and is going to end without us having to pay the contract anymore and my phone will lose it's service. I have a straight talk sim card that comes with that $45 unlimited activation and I was wondering if I can go ahead and switch to the Straight Talk even though the at&t service is still on my phone? ( I can still make calls and whatnot on at&t, it hasn't stopped yet, but I still wanted to go ahead and switch to my Straight Talk.
P.S. Can I still keep my at&t number as well?
Added (1). What is the "porting" process and what does it consist of? Also, my iPhone is actually jailbroken on IOS 5.1.1, so I can unlock it that way
In order to keep your number, you will need to provide Straight Talk with not only the number that you wish to transfer, but the account number for the AT&T account that the number is on. (Located in the top right of the first page of the billing statement.)
I would call AT&T to see if they will unlock the phone for you, as that is needed for the phone to work on ST. The porting process from AT&T to ST takes about 24 hours, but can last up to a week, and yes you can start the port process at any time so much as your phone is unlocked.
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