How to sync my iPhone to another computer?

I recently got a new computer and I want to switch where I sync my iPhone WITHOUT deleting anything on the phone at all. (Not iCloud, regular syncing and backing up to iTunes) Is there a way a could just move the data from my older computer to this one with out having to restore the phone before I sync on the new one? Please help. If anyone has any tutorial or instruction links, that would be a big help as well!

Contact it and ll come on its self

If you got a new PC then it would be best to move all your old stuff over (music, movies, etc.) If you just plug in your phone to the new PC then you can still sync and backup without losing data from the phone itself. However, the backups won't restore all the data unless you copy all of your stuff from the old PC. When iTunes makes backups it just basically makes a kind of template of where to get your data, it doesn't actually save the data itself

Yes. It is quite easy actually.

1. Sync phone with original computer.
2. Locate your iPhone backup file & transfer it to your new computer
3. Connect iPhone to new computer
3. Wipe the phone and start new.
4.It should ask you if you would like to locate your backup, and when it does, navigate to the file you transfered over.
5. Finish syncing your phone.

Note*: The backup will not include any photos, music, apps, etc. It simply provides a map of all the data on your phone so that when it does sync your content, it knows where to put things. If you want to make sure all your content syncs, you will need to transfer all your photos, music, and apps over to the new computer.

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