How to take a picture of my eye without it being blurry?

I want to take a picture of my eye for Instagram but when I take a picture of my eye it's always blurry. Any tips to make my eyes not look fuzzy? Any apps that can make them less blurry? Also I'm using an iPhone 4

Try to keep your eye open. Also, have you tried the 'Clear' app? That works very well.

Cmon now don't do that. Do something original, too many people do that.
Take a picture of you in booty shorts and put "I love my hair <333" as the caption.ahaha (:

Hella people gon' be on you for that lmao.

You need to put some range between you and your camera phone. Camera lenses have a minimum range. So try holding your phone further away and "zoom" in, instead of holding your phone super close. Apps don't make pictures less blurry. Correct focusing makes them "less blurry".

Get a DSLR and turn it's lens backwards.
You phone can't focus close enough to get a good picture.