How to text with a jailbroken iphone that has no service only Wi-Fi?
Okay i'm really stressed going through alot and i need an answer that is simple enough for me who is not a hacker or tech geek at all. I have an iphone 3gs that is outdated but runs the ios 6.0.1 that doesn't have service because at&t shut it off and apple blocked me from the app store because of billing issues that i messed up well long story short i jailbroke it and everything is fine on it but i need to find a way without using the apple app store to get an application that will allow me to text while in Wi-Fi only without service on my phone. Please provide your answers and help me solve this delema for my phone and a laptop with a cracked screen i can barely use are my only forms of communication with anyone including the lovely woman carrying my unborn child.
Try going to settings, and tap store, tap log out and try making a new account from there.
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