How to transfer all your data from an iphone onto a new computer?

I found this online but would it work of most of my songs weren't from the itunes store?

i have an iphone 4s and no access to the desktop at home where i usually sync it

This is a nice tutorial and I think it should work if you follow the instructions carefully. If you want you can try this great tool, with it you can save individual files to your computer.

IStonsoft iPhone to computer transfer.

Transfer movie, photos, book, podcast, voice memo, playlist, camera roll, audio book, etc. From iPhone to computer with ease.

What data do you want to transfer from your iphone to computer? Songs, videos, photos, or something other like that? It is not hard for us to do as long as we have chosen the right tool iphone to computer transfer.

As an iphone user, i often use the highly-recommendation Amacsoft iphone to computer transfer, which can do all the following:
- Transfer most of sources from iPad, iPhone, iPod to computer.

- Support all types of iOS devices, including The new iPad, iPhone 4S, iPhone 4 etc.

- Two preview modes let you access transferable files with hassle-free.

- Automatically detect and recognize your devices and show its information.

- The intuitive interface and easy operation makes the transferring task quite easy.

Sounds great? Why not have a try in person? The detailed guide is for your reading: