How to transfer an album from my old itunes to my new itunes?

I created an itunes account YEARS ago when i got my first ipod. I started this account on my family's desktop computer. When i got my own laptop for christmas a year ago, i started a NEW itunes account because i did not remember my password to my old one and no longer used the email address, therefore could not receive my password. I'm now using an iphone with this itunes account and was using an ipod for my old one. I was able to somehow transfer some music from my desktop computer to my laptop with "home sharing" but could not transfer all of it for some reason. There's an album that i purchased with itunes on my desktop computer with my old account that i really want on my iphone but can't figure out how to transfer it. I really don't want to have to pay for the album all over again. Can someone help me!

Added (1). I have tried "trasnferring Purchses" from my old ipod connected to my laptop but it would only transfer my apps not my songs?

You can use an USB flash drive to copy it to the new iTunes account.

Another way is use leawo itransfer to transfer the album from your iPod to the new iTunes account without losing anything, then you can sync it from this iTunes to iPhone, or just use it to transfer the album to iPhone from iPod directly.btw.

Transfer tools maybe are best help.

You may try this tool

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