How to transfer games from my iPad to my iPhone?

I used to like to play Subway Sufers (if you've ever heard of it) on my ipad. I got an iPhone and I downloaded the app on there. I connected the app to my Game Center account, but all the data I unlocked on my ipad isn't on my iPhone. Can I make it so my iPhone has the things I unlocked on my ipad?

Apple does not allow the transfer of game data from one device to another.

IPad Manager from can do that. It is compatible with all Apple devices, so you can transfer files between them with ease.
And it also can transfer files from ipad to itunes or iPad.

Hi, You can use the iCloud transfer files between Apple device, or use the iStonsoft software to easily transfer games from your iPad to your iPhone. Hope you like the way.

Ipad Manager from can do that. It supports all Apple devices. You can download and have a try.