How to turn on iPhone3g when stuck on apple logo?
I have a jailbroken iPhone 3g with versions 5.1.1
My PROBLEM is I was trying to fix my MMS yesterday, but when I rebooted my phone, it was stuck on the apply logo. I do not know what to do from here because it has been like this since last night. I need help without losing my data on the phone. **I have very low battery**
1) Connect your iPhone's USB cable to your computer, but not to your iPhone
2) Turn your iPhone off, hold down the power button until the slide to power off screen comes up and slide it to the right
3) Press the Home button the face of the device and plug the USB cable into the iPhone
4) When it turns on, keep pressing the Home button until the iTunes logo appears on the screen
5) You'll know you've entered recovery mode, because a screen will appear on your computer telling you this
6) You can then restore your iPhone, whenever you have last backed up your iPhone (plugged it into a computer to sync you can have all that information back by selecting the most current date from the drop down list on the restore menu when you click on the restore from back up option)
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