How to Unlock an Encrypted Website on iPad and iPhone? - 1

The website content is open (made up of streaming videos, movies, tutorials, networking advice & secure email services) but seems encrypted in a way that prevents direct access. I'm wondering if there's a way to unblock it.

Most encrypted websites with basic-to-strong security standards but open content can be unlocked and unblocked by using a military-grade encryption app. This means using an iPad or iPhone VPN app.

Here's an app that can do this and also secures your iPad / iPhone in the process:

Web accessibility often depends on the nature and level of encryption on the websites you want to unlock along with your geographical location. It is quite possible that sites like Netflix or Hulu that stream web videos, movies & TV shows may be IP-blocked in your country.

Obviously, password-protected sites can't be unlocked but firewall-blocked and IP-filtered sites can be bypassed and accessed either by using an internet proxy or secure VPN.

New proxy list, fast and secure. Less ads too, enjoy.