How to use.avi format video files in iphone?
Hi i'm using iPhone 4g, i used to download.avi movies files from torrent and wanted to c those in iPhone, but unfortunately i phone dnt not support.avi format, so is there any way to watch.avi format files in my iPhone, every time i convert into.mp4 and watch in iPhone, isn't any way to watch.avi movies in iPhone with out any converting?
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If you use the VLC app.
- Which video format does iphone 5s supports? Also please tell if i can convert videos without losing quality! I'm asking for video conversion into the iphone format!
- Which converter you use for converting videos to iPhone format? I have been trying to convert videos to iPhone 4s (ios 8.1) format with several videos converters, but nothing helps. After converting, videos not shows up in iTunes "by dragging or by adding file option". Any solution would be helpful. I'm on Windows 7.
- What software is the quickest to convert video files to iphone format? I've been using any video converter and free video to iphone converter. Both very slow, it takes up to an hour to convert a 20 mins.wmv or.avi. Are there any faster alternatives? And does that depend on whether I choose to convert to iphone 4 or iphone 5 format? I've tried the latter so can it be that it would be quicker for iphone 4?
- What's the best way to convert AVI to MP4? I've got lots of videos on my computer, and most of them are AVI format that is not supported by iPhone. How can i convert AVI to MP4 effortlessly?