How would you describe an iPhone?
- to someone who has never seen one before, how would you describe the outward appearance of an iPhone e.g. The shape, size, colour etc.
As an iPhone.
- What would you do if you were watching your favorite show, and your 20 year old kid turned off the TV so that you couldn't watch it? I pay all the bills at the house. I normally watch AHS once a week with my kid. This week, she told me to go watch it in my own room. I told her my TV wasn't working and we would just have to watch it in her room. She turned off the TV so that I couldn't watch it. Then, she pompously pulled out her iPhone and proceeded to watch it on her iPhone. What would you do if this happened to you?
- What words would you use to describe this person's style?
- IPhone users.would you make love to me using Siri or would you do it urself? LOL? 4S (S for Sexxy Siri) j/k or 5 users… Let's test out your texting skills. Where can i buy the iPhone out of contract for not that expensive (ixnay 500 dollars) ;/ Siri-nate me… Couldn't resist. ROFL I know… Good info. U forgot to include which model you have? Lol
- How to describe myself on social media? So I just got a Vine on my iPhone and social media networks always ask you to write something about yourself. Do you have any clever or witty sayings that I can use to describe myself?