I can't think of anything I want for christmas?

I'm 16. I have an iPhone, iPod, iPad, computer, games consoles etc.there's no make up or clothes or jewelry that I want. I'm not interested really in girly things. I don't want Money or vouchers, I like having lots of small things to open.
Only my parents buy me presents and my budget is about 100 pounds. I can't think of anything help

If you like music you could ask for a instrument to learn, like a guitar.

We expect to receive presents at Christmas. We want to receive presents at Christmas.

Getting presents is nice. Buying presents is nice. Being appreciated for giving presents is nice.

But deciding what to buy, or what to ask for is NOT nice. That's why that job is often passed down the line. It's all the harder because most people don't actually want or need ANYTHING.

OK, some ideas.
CDs, DVDs, memory stick, phone contract/tariff paid, camera, digital photos printed out & maybe framed, pictures/posters, books, subscription to a magazine, unusual foods, fountain pen, letter writing set (notepaper, envelopes, maybe in a box set), stuff for school (maths set, calculator, folder, highlighter pens, colouring pens, pencil case, school bag, good dictionary), 5 year diary, perfumes, soaps, shower stuff, shoes, stuff for a pet, stuff for a hobby or interest, stuff for a sport, bedroom furniture (chair, table, desk, rug, lamp, mirror, radio, alarm clock), plants for your room, plants for the garden, sunglasses, stuff for a bicycle, sunhat, sunglasses, towel, swimming costume, pack of cards, board games, coffee mug with funny picture/comment on it, curiosity items (rocks, corals, fossils, unusual or novelty items).

Hope that helps.

I love having little things to open on Christmas instead of one big main present, maybe makeup bits and pieces? Perfumes? Shower/bath stuff? Music cds? Dvds? Books? Clothing? Shoes?

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