I don't understand the iPhone 5?

The question at hand is a bit off. I don't understand iPhones. My friends who don't have iPhones and are trying to convince me not to get one (just because they want us to have the same phones) and they said one main reason: you can't get music playlists and put music on them for free, but on their phones you can and it's perfectly legal. I don't get it! Why can't you! It's ridiculous. I don't understand what you do then if you want music. You pay for it, right? Does it cost a lot? Because I LOVE music but I'm not breaking the bank for SONGS. I really do want the iPhone 5, though.

You can put free music on every phone.

You just put it on your pc and transfer

They are wrong, i have an iphone and can add any mp3 i have to itunes for free. Weather i got it legally or not.
so any mp3s you have right now can go on the iphone.

so it is a lie you can use any mp3 you already own on the iphone for free.
you can also burn any cd you have to use on iphone
i burn dvd's to use on my iphone as well for free.
the only songs you pay for are ones you buy on itunes but you are not restricted to only using those.

go download itunes it's free and put your own music on it now and play it all the iphone does is use your itunes library to play music so you can try it out for free on your computer if you aren't sure.

Your question doesn't make any sense. An iPhone is a cell phone with all the features of an iPod. It is no more difficult to put stolen music on an iPod than any other device. What most knucklehead iPod users don't understand is that you aren't limited to buying music from iTunes. Stealing music is wrong no matter what you use to listen.

Ryu is right, you can download music with free apps on store ex"music d/l"
also can make playlists
& transfer with PC

Of course you can put songs on your phone for free! You can also make playlists. You can rip your CD's or download an MP3 album from Amazon and you put them on your iPhone on Itunes. It's really easy to do and doesn't take long at all.

I only have an iPhone 4 but it's the same with the iPhone 5.

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