I feel a bit mad and I want someone a good friend to

I feel mad because this ******* iphone i have is a piece of a*s ****. What else can I use besides using the internet? Sometimes when I don't use the internet… I… Listen to music on a old iPod nano. I make myself coffee. I smoke cigarettes. I. Vape… I want to know what I can do to stop using this internet because it leads me to anger and that has to stop… Because i can't put up with certain things because they make me lose control.

Your doctor can prescribe you medicine that will help you.

Leave the house or apartment. Go outside and walk briskly. Stop at a bookstore and buy one that looks interesting, or get one from the library. Take it to a coffeehouse, buy a beverage, and read for a half hour. While you're out anyway, run an errand. Walk home again. Shazaa-a-am, you've spent a few hours away from the internet and out in the real world.

Now that you're home, find the makings for a pleasant snack or meal. Prepare it and enjoy it without a screen of any kind in front of your face. If you live with others, make conversation and keep it pleasant.

Wash up the dishes and read a bit more, then see if there's anything you'd like to watch streaming--a specific movie or show, not just what catches your attention as you cruise the internet.

This is how people used to live, even loners. It's quite pleasant.

I think Speed gave you a really good answer. It will help you if you can learn how to break your dependance on social media, and learn other activities that will calm you.

Matt may have a point as well, you might need some medication.

But I wanted to add, it's good to learn what triggers your angry feelings and how to bring those feelings under control. Managing anger is an important life skill.

Here's an online article that I really liked: https://www.jw.org/en/publications/magazines/g201203/Keeping-Anger-Under-Control
(copy and paste the link in your browser)

Best wishes to you:-)