I forgot my iPhone passcode so I restored my iPhone & lost everything
I'm 15 years old, I was stupid and made a really long passcode for my iPhone & then forgot it the fourth time I tried to type it in. So I restored it on iTunes and I typed in to back up all the information but I lost my contacts and all of my pictures which really sucks! The music I got back since I only have 131 songs on it but I didn't really care about the apps but I lost all my contacts, Is there any possible way of getting them back? Please help! I won't die without them but it would be really nice if I can get them back.
Use iTunes to sync back all of the data or if you have iOS 5 use icloud to restore all of your stuff. If you need any more help feel free to ask me as I'm a iPhone know it all
Did you make any backups to iTunes or iCloud? If so, restore from the backup. If not, your contacts are gone forever:/
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