I found an iPhone 4S and I put my SIM card in it, but it doesn't work?

I found an iphone in the middle of nowhere, had no pass code and I had a loom through it. Had pretty much nothing on it. If it had a full phone with lots of contacts on it I probably would of returned it

But when I put my SIM card or any other SIM card in it, it doesn't work it just says "no sim"
I presume the owner has had it blocked?

What will I need to do to get my SIM card to work in it?

Please don't say that I should of handed it in and that I'm a thief etc

If it is saying no sim, then either the sim card reader is messed up or the phone has been blacklisted (listed stolen or lost). If it is blacklisted then you can't do anything about it.

Phones aren't finders keepers.

"Please don't say that I should of handed it in"

i think BEST ANSWER should be you!

finding a phone doesn't make you a thief, not handing it in when it doesn't belong to you does!

you've answered your own question really,

btw being switched on the phone can be tracked by law enforcement services even without a sim or the gps locally switched on, so be careful

Don't you want to hear that you're a thief? Stop stealing phones, then. Turn the phone into the police and let them find the legal owner. If you want a phone, buy one.

Keep in mind that as soon as you turn the phone on, you're being tracked. If the police come looking for the phone, it's going to be hard to explain why you didn't turn it in. And if the owner comes looking for you on his own, you may be in even worse trouble.

The phone has been blocked/blacklisted, effectively useless.

Also it doesn't matter if it was wiped or whatever. Is not yours to do whatever.

Haha, keep trying it numbnuts, I hope that the blacklisted phone you are trying to use is sending out a signal identifying where you are. Don't want to be called a thief? Then try being honest you stupid thief.