I found an iphone 4s at work?

I found an iphone 4s at work and the coworker used icloud to trace it back to me. I told him i didn't have it and now i'm worried. I threw away the sim card and turned off the phone. What should i do now about management trying to get the phone back? Deny everything?

They still can track it via GPS. Just put it back where you found it, or some where in the office.

Id still give it back, that's a lot of money that you took worth of a phone. Just slip it back where it was. They can still track it if they have they find my iPhone app which I'm sure they do.

I learned that lying is wrong. Just give the iPhone back. He can sue you. I mean he has evidence. ICloud doesn't make mistakes such as incidentally tracking the phone to another co-worker house…

Email me, i found one the other day.wanna trade?

Why not return the "found" phone. Just leave it in the break room or some other place the the owner may have left it before you "found" it.

Even without the SIM, the phone still will report its location, IMEI number and IP address. These can't be changed. Once the phone is reported lost or stolen, it is rendered useless until the original owner claims it. Some phones have the capability if lost or stolen that they can literally be fried.

Now, you can be fired and theft doesn't look good to prospective employers. You can face felony theft charges and the person who's phone you found can file a civil suit.

Contact the person in private. Tell him you panic and was nervous cause you didn't want them to think you stole the phone. Tell him where you found it. Pray that he's understanding and you don't get fired.

I guess that is what happens when you steal a phone from your work place. Return the phone and leave other peoples things alone from now on.

Alex is absolutely right. If you've decided to keep it, you just need to plug the iPhone into iTunes. Then when it pops up on the device list, click on the iPhone. On the main summary tab of the iPhone, it will give you the option to "restore". Choose restore as new iPhone and he won't be able to locate the iPhone anymore.

However, note that if he knows the serial number of the iPhone, and can somehow manage to confront you with said iPhone and verifies the serial number, you could be caught out. Restoring the iPhone wipes everything, but does NOT change the serial number of the device.