I found an iPhone but it has a iCloud account on it and I can't log out?

I found an iPhone but it has a iCloud account on it and I can't log out? - 1

Because you need the account's password to log out.

Don't assume you can keep the phone though - a lot of iPhone users can track their phones nowadays - and some use the aid of the local police to do so.

If YOU have an iPhone that does not belong to you I suggest you return it - take the right path. But if you are intent on keeping the phone, which does not make you a bad person (or maybe I'm totally misreading the question, I dunno), I would reset the iPhone by going to setting. Or call Apple support.

The owner of that phone had reported it lost or stolen, so anywhere you take the phone to activate it will see that it was reported, and will not actuvated it. The Imei or esn will have ratted you out. And there's no way to use that phone on any carrier once it is blacklisted.

ICloud Activation Lock working as it should.

Go ahead and call one of its contacts and tell them you have the phone! It's the right thing to do.

Just activate Siri and ask her who owns the phone. The owner's name, address, home phone number if they have one, the cell number and email address will come up on the screen. Be a good person and return it to the owner.

Turn phone completely off & remove battery for ~ 5 min. Reinstall and turn phone back On but do not log into ICloud & reply in Negative sense (e.g. "no, not), etc. To all prompts for such services."This should do it!

That is the idea of the security and locks on phones - to make them unusable / worthless if stolen.

- and you are a thief if you keep it, the Criminal offence is "Theft by Finding".

Hand it in to your local police. Doing anything else leaves you liable to prosecution.

Take it to the police. You can't use a phone that has activation lock turned on without the rightful owner's password. So the phone you've stolen is now a paperweight. And if the owner tracks you down, it could be a paperweight that sends you to jail.