I fully charge my iPhone and use it till it drains all the time. Is this good or bad?

I basically do full battery cycles almost every time cause I fully charge the phone and use it till it dies.
Is this good or bad for the battery?

Sounds pretty bad, try using a new charger. If that doesn't work then its the phone

Its bad for the battery.

I say it's bad because its like been on for the day and it could cause a problem it'll start a smoke and maybe never work

I do the same thing Becuz I'm to lazy to charge it. So far noting bad has happen to my iPod I've been doing that for 5 Months straight.

You are doing 50% right because charging iPhone all the way is good thing instead of charging it 3 times a day but you are doing wrong by letting battery die. Charge it all the way and charge again when your battery is below 5%, so your battery will last long.

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