I have a mental disability and I wanted to get the newest iPhone and everyone calls me a spoiled brat, why do people think that?

So I have a mental disability and so I can't work due to my illness and I need people to buy stuff for me. I have an iPhone and it is messing up and I want to get the newest iPhone. I want to get the newest iPhone X and they aren't letting me get it saying that they don't have any money to pay for it since the carrier is asking for a $400 down payment. They paid $200 for my sister to get her new phone so I don't get why they can't pay an extra $200 for me to have my new phone. My friend andy says to me your such a spoiled brat you have an iPhone 8 which is the newest iPhone and your not even satisfied. I don't want it I want an iPhone X because it is better and has a better processor and a better camera. I threw stuff around the house because they don't want to get it for me and the police got called. Andy says keep this up and this will go on your record along with those charges of harassment with the therapist. I'm so sick and tired of people treating me this way. How am I a spoiled brat for wanting to get the new iPhone? Why won't people let me get the new phone?

Well, you are sorta being a spoiled brat. I understand you have a mental disability, but no one gets everything they want. I understand you're frustrated but throwing a fit isn't how to go about it. Just calm down. You already have an iPhone 8, why in the world would you need an X? Better camera? Do you honestly NEED it? No, you don't.

If you actually need a new phone, get a refurb… Thats what I did.works great… Is a samsung galaxy S7… I think s9 is the current model

Your trolling needs work.

You can do yard work. Get a job.

"So I have a mental disability"

Yup, no kidding.

You are a spoiled brat. I'm disabled, and can't afford a cell phone at all, so, I don't have one. That's the way it is. Blaming others is pointless. Doing so makes you a brat.

Oh get a life, you can work, get off your backside and work for your money like we all do.

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