Why are people calling me a spoiled brat?

So last Christmas here was my Christmas list: A MacBook pro computer New clothes Ugh boots An iPhone 5 A Samsung galaxy note tablet a $200 gift card A Xbox

This is what I got instead: A new pair of socks Two candy canes A proscan tablet A $50 gift card Converse shoes A sweater And a braclet They always get the opposite of what I want! God my parents are so selfish! They make LOTS of money. My dad is a lawyer and my mom is a Pharmacist. My cheap *** parents.

Put it this way

if you get nothing your parents are awful and you are poor

if you get stuff your parents are awful and you are a spoilt brat

there's no winning in life

my old man once told me, you either die a hero or live long enough to become a villain.

thats when i learnt to give not a single ****


Bask in my glory

Probably because you are.

Yeah cus you are a spoiled brat.

Cuz some are starving and struggling… COLLECT FOOD FOR THE FOOD BANK.

You sound like 1

You're ******* spoiled, alright? Deal with it.

Because you think your entitled to expensive luxury stuff because your parents have money and complain when you don't get it the world doesn't work like that you get what your given and be grateful for it then you want something else you work for it yourself your parents hard earned money isn't there purley to serve you

Let me guess. You're 22 and still send a letter off to Santa.

Now, now. No need to lie. You're among friends and this is a safe zone.

You are spoiled, you should be grateful that you got anything at all. You're 16 years old, if you want all that stuff why not go out and get a job? Even if it's part time.

But you think its okay to ask for $1000's of Xmas presents?

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