I have a sprint iphone 5 anyway to jailbreak and use tmobile or straight talk?
Ok so i asked this before but maybe confused people because didn't really get a response to this question. Anyways i have a sprint iphone 5 and not ina good standing acct with sprint due to someone abusing the data and yes that can happen lol
But anyways i literally just got this iphone 5 from them about a month ago and at this point would just like to unlock it. It's my understanding from searching that am iphone 5 is locked to sprint even with an unlock ticket with them it's only unlocked for international use of a gsm sim unlock the verizon version. So my question is has anyone jailbroken the sprint iphone 5 and used it for tmobile or straight talk? Or does anyone know if it's possible? And if so is LTE usable? I figured they may be a tweak or app in cydia since there's a sim card slot. So if anyone could please give some advise it would be greatly appreciated.
I don't think you can use your iPhone on tmobile or straight talk. Both of these phone company's are gsm(use SIM cards) and sprint is cdma(no SIM card). I have my iPhone running on straight talk and they require you have their sims.
The sprint version can only be unlocked for international gsm at the moment. Your best bet is to sell it and get an AT&T or Verizon version. The Verizon version will work right out of the box. The AT&T version would have to be unlocked but it is under $20.00 to do that with about a 24 hour turnaround from a few vendors on the Internet and eBay. The advantage with getting the AT&T version is that it will support TMobile's upcoming LTE on aws band while the Verizon version does not support it. On both you will get HSPA+ 42 network where tmobile has deployed 1900mhz. A lot of major cities have that or are getting it so your best bet is probably AT&T iphone 5 for present and future compatibility.
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- Jailbroken sprint iphone 5 on tmobile or straight talk? I know the sprint phone 5 is locked to only sprint or international gsm use. But what if its jailbroken is there some app or tweak in cydia? I had the iphone 4s jailbroken but converted to android. I would really love the iphone 5 on prepaid so any help would be great.