I have a track phone with a cracked screen and everyone in my grade has iPhone 6's and gala s7's?

Its so wiered. I'm not even exaggerating everyone. Should I fell left out and should I bring this to my dad. My phone is already cracked badly. I'm 15

Maybe your too young to take care of a phone

You should NOT feel left out. Some kids your age don't even have cell phones. What you could do is start saving money from small jobs to set up a cellphone account for yourself. Who knows - if your dad sees that you are sincere, maybe he will have you pay half and he will take care of the rest.

So, your dad isn't ready to spend hundreds on a phone for you. It isn't about being "left out". It is about how much your parents are willing to spend on a cell phone for you.

At 15, you can start looking for a job and buy your own phone.