I jailbroke my iPhone 5 but?
(just so you know, jailbreaking is basically hacking) So the other day I found a jailbreak for ios 6.0.1 I downloaded it then plugged my iPhone 5 into the computer. I followed the steps to jailbreak and, it said it went successfully. After about an hour of using the jailbreak, my iPhone blacked out. I searched for solutions but none of them worked. People said things like, hold the power and home until you see apple logo, and just plug it into your computer and restore. My computer doesn't even recognize what my device is:/ I've tried almost every solution but none of them work. I want to take it to apple store or something but, i'm afraid they will know about my jailbreak. What do I do?
Yeah you really don't want to take it to the apple store. They will know its jailbroken., try holding the lockscreen/power button down for 8 seconds. That should wrk. Don't hold both buttons at the same time, just hold the power button for 8 seconds and it should boot back up.
Poor guy
iphone users resort to jailbreaking because apple doesn't allow custmizability
I've been there, but I'm through with iphones & am now loving life with my Note 2
Jail-breaking can make an iphone unstable, that is the risk, not rocket science.
So far as i know, an effective untethered jailbreaking of iphone 5 and iphone 4s running ios 6.0.1 is not possible even now… Those jailebreaking methods work on iphone 3g, 3gs, and 4 running ios 6.0.1…
don't know what to do now… Sorry for that… Ask somewhere in jailbreak related forums or blogs like http://blog.iphone-dev.org/ or http://greenpois0n.com/ etc… Good luck…
Congratulations on the wonderful jailbreak because you destroyed your phone
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