I just heard that microwaving your Iphone makes it get charged fully, is this true?

So everyone keeps saying this on tumblr and i don't know if its true, can someone please tell me? My daughters Iphone charger got lost so i'm looking to see if its true, thank you

Yea… If your looking to buy a new phone

Yup, just tried it, works like a charm.

100% true.
everything you read on the internet is true… LOL

If you're worried just go 15 seconds at the time for about a minute. It works though, I do it everyday before school.

It does work, but you can't leave it in there for too long. If it's fully emptied around 20 seconds I think should do the trick. If it's not 100% yet you just put it back in for a second or two.

Oh yeah! It's actually true. I've been doing some research and even called one of my old science buddies to see what he said. I tried it (put it in for like:40 seconds on high), and it actually works. I called an apple employee to complain about having to pay for chargers and they said that the new iPhone 5S will not be abele to. *** those guys!

Yup, just tried it.

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