I just spilled a bit of water on iPhone will it be okay?

I was drinking some water when the glass tipped over and spilled a bit on my iphone 5. I have a screen protector and a case that covers the back of my phone and has a bumper. I immediately wiped up the water and shut it off. When I turned it on again it seemed slightly buggy but immediately got better. So I'm wondering, will anything bad happen to my phone? Oh and the amount of water spilled on it was probably no more than an ounce and was only across the screen.

If it was only on the screen it should be fine, but water could have gotten into the speaker.

It shouldn't, I have had my iPhone through rain, long drops, everything I could possibly think of and it it still fine. If you see it is acting weird, contact Apple.

It should be ok, just wipe it off quickly

What my mom did when i dropped my phone i some water she put it in rice it works cause the rice absorbs the water

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