I lost my iphone4s for Verizon? I have insurance BUT?

I have a iphone 4s… Have or HAD… I can't find it, its been a whole day that i've been looking for it and i would have to think i've lost it. I have insurance so i know it can be replaced but i don't want to loose my contacts, photos and specially my number! Do i get to keep my phone number?

If your backed up with iCloud you will still have everything. And yes you will be able to keep your number

If you had location services turn on you can log into your iCloud account on a computer and goto find my phone, your contacts should also be backed up to the service also

Do you usually change your phone number when you get a new phone? Does anybody you know have the same number they've had for years? Have they ever changed phones?

You've already lost your contacts and photos. Hopefully they were backed up on iCloud so you can retrieve them when you get your new phone.

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