I'm starting to hate my girlfriend and getting annoyed of her
So me and my girlfriend have been a year, and I decided to buy we a ring high she always wanted to say that we promise to get married to each other, but lately she's been a b**ch. For example if I'm sad or mad and I text her, she knows that I'm not in a good mood and would put lol or something just to piss me off. Trust me I know she does it for that. No doubt, and I started ignoring her texts and hesitant to buy something for her the ring for Christmas. Because I don't work anywhere and I'm only 15 and getting only 100$ for Christmas. So I decided to be a good boyfriend and split my money to get her something even tho she might not get me anything and he's string alot of stuff for Christmas. For example an iPhone, and an Xbox and I wanna use my money on her. She always argue with me over everything and says he treats me bad because of some false story that happened between me and my ex last year. What should I do? Get her the ring or just wait til she turns around and start showing me love and respect?
Call Loveline!
Best of luck.
You're just a provider
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