I need a better news source than Fox News?

Fox News mobile is easy to navigate on my iPhone, but I've noticed they don't always get it right, a not much is going on there. Anybody know another news site that's easy to navigate on mobile?

The Blaze works well on my phone. I prefer it to fox. Easy to stream it on I Heart Radio too if you want to listen to any of the programming

Boston globe

Nbc is very reliable

Usatoday is a great app, good for news, sports, tech, covers alot of categories

There's no better source than FOX. The only other is the American PRAVDA propaganda spewing network of abc, nbc, cbs, cnn, msnbc and pbs.

Any source is better than FO卐 News.

The Independent ( A UK unbiased newspaper that offers the reader REAL news, not propagandist lies.)

Al Jazeera English is great for world/international news

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