I sat on my iphone 5 and i'm worried if its damaged?

So i had my iphone 5 in a jogger pants zipped up, i was playin football and the phone was zipped up. It was on the chair that is hard wood. I acidently sat on my joggers with my iphone for 15 seconds because i was taking my boots off. How will i know my iphone 5 will be working properly? Does it affect the iphone 5 if a heavy person sat on it? Please help i'm really worried, this is a brand new phone, thanks for the suggestions.

If your phone could be damaged by sitting on it, it's time to seriously consider switching brands. Your phone should be fine. Physical damage would result in obvious physical signs like a cracks or bending. If your phone looks fine and still turns on and the touch screen works, you're fine. The easiest way to tell if something is broken is to try to use it and see if it works.

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