I smell burning smell in the living room?

My and my cousin and my uncle were home and I was watching tv and charged my iPhone, then I smelt something like a burnt toast, I check other rooms but it was only in living room, my cousin and could also smell it. I took my phone off charger and check any cables on tv but we don't know what it was, they smell has kind of gone now but I'm scared it may get worse

You smell burning in your house and your first reaction is to ask the internet for advice?

I despair of kids these days, I really do…

I phones have had battery exploding problems. Be wary of that.

Check every thing that is plugged in, then check the outlets & light switches too.

Immerse your i-phone in water immediately - before it self-ignites and burns your town down… (Jeeezzee) !

It has been 11 hours so i'm sure its gone by now, but in future ref, as a firefighter, you should always call 9-1-1 and adv them that you smell something burning so they can come and check your house out, for all you know there could be insulation with embers you can't see that could cause a fire a couple days down the road if you don't report it and have it checked out.

Is your car in the living room thats strange. Get real wrong question.ok.