I spilled some drink on my iphone but it works fine?

I spilled some drink over the lower half of my iphone 4s the other day, after some drying up it seemed to work fine and has continued to since. The water damage indicator didn't go red either. Does this mean that it is all okay?

Yea it should work fine if it works smooth!

Best Answer:
It's fine you have nothing to worry about unless the iPhone has the watermarking red. If its red and you bring it in to apple they won't fix it. If its white and you have the warranty then you'll be fine. But in your case you don't have noting to worry about unless it was in water for a period of time.

Good job drying it up that helped with the watermark

Generally if spill any water on electronics the first thing I do is turn it off.completely. Give it time to dry out, water generally won't damage electronics if it does not have any electricity running through it. If it's still working fine and your fairly sure that water did not get inside of it. You might be ok without turning it off.