I think I accidentally downloaded a virus on my iPhone, what should I do now?

I received an email that claimed to be from DHL, and it had an attachment which I opened (not yet realizing it was a scam/virus). The attachment seemed to be blank, and when I searched "DHL scam emails", sure enough there are emails being sent that claim to be from DHL.

My question is, how do I uninstall whatever I opened? (This is on an iPhone 5 with iOS 7). Is there anything else I should do?

Also, does anyone have any idea what this virus might be it what it might do? Luckily I don't make any purchases on my phone, so I don't think there's any financial information on it. Also, my phone appears to be working normally. So I'm curious what the virus is trying to do.

It is impossible to uninstall viruses without using external programming. You have to take it to the shop and pay to have it done professionally. You can't do it yourself.

There are no viruses for iPhone, you should be fine. If you are truly concerned, take it to the Apple store

Wipe your phone man.

The iPhone system is heavily sandboxed meaning that if you did manage to get a virus on (you can't) it would not be able to talk to or interact with anything else so it could not do anything. It was probably just a standard Windows attachment virus that will not do anything to your phone.

You Will Not Get Any Virus Because The iPhone's OS (iOS) is UNIX

I think I downloaded a virus from a website. While I was still on this page, as soon as I clicked on an asvertisement it repeatedly kept opening random apps in the App Store. 10 minutes later, I can't even open the AppStore. What should I do? This is surely a virus, right?