I think I accidentally started Scam Likely?
Guys I'm so confused and wondering if this is pure coincidence.
A long while back (possible a year or two ago… Hell three?) I got sick and tired of the constant advertising calls and labeled them all "Scam Likely" whenever they would come in so I would know not to pick up. Suddenly this **** is everywhere and people have made actual videos complaining of incoming calls labeled "scam likely."
Did I start something by mistake? How is the ID I selected for a couple phone calls suddenly on everyone's IPhone? Is that even possible, I had never heard of ANYONE period getting a phone call with the ID "scam Likely" before I started using it.
I'm so confused.
It's called Caller ID, crawl out from beneath the rock you've been living under. Nobody looked at your phone and said "Hey, let's make everyone else's phone say this!"
Sooo, you're the PERSON! Just you wait! JUST YOU WAIT!
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