I tried to reset my jail broken iPhone 3gs and it is now frozen. What do i do?

It is frozen on the screen when you turn the phone on, the screen is black with a silver apple logo in the middle.

Also, it will not let me connect my phone to iTunes… Any ideas?

Sorry to sound annoying, but this is what you get when you illegally download apps.

Excuse me Jasmine but "Jailbreak" doesn't mean that you are downloading illegal apps. A jailbreak is totally and 100% LEGAL. Apple has just got a grudge against the jailbreak for I don't know what but the jailbreak is totally legal.
The Android has also got 'root' which is jailbreak in other words and there are several apps on the play store that require the phone to be rooted. Though rooting also voids warranty but its on the users risk. Apple is just a bit too specific about security.
For your iPhone you may try out this link "https://discussions.apple.com/thread/43… Hope it works