I used 4gb of data of my iphone in a month. Is that bad?
I chose the verizon 2gb plan and it said that I used 4gb. What happens now? How can I reduce my data?
What you'll have to do is pay for that extra bit of data for this month (if you're on pay monthly which I assume you are) next month try using Wi-Fi more and less 3G because that's what increases data usage (Wi-Fi doesn't use up your data)
Well for AT&T every gb is an additional 15$ but i never go over. Reduce data usage by turning your data off and Wi-Fi on whenever possible and don't stream over 10 videos. Don't use pandora or I<3RADIO.These will run your data up. Periodically check how much data you use as well.
Umm NO bro go wild with your memory just make sure your buying the right apps: D
How do you use less data? How is anyone to know that without knowing how you use it now.
- Would 4gb of data be enough for me? I plan on getting the iPhone 5s sometime within the next 2 weeks or so. With AT&T if it makes a difference. I currently have sprint with unlimited text and data. Since AT&T doesn't do that anymore with data i have to settle for something else. My sprint 3G data is listed at 1, 360, 072 and my sprit 3G data roaming is at 3, 211 both are in KB and I have about another 25 days in my billing period. Would 4gb of data be good for me so I don't go over?
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- Is 4gb for an iPhone good for a person like me? I just want to go on facebook, intsgram, and watch occasional youtube videos (not likely, probably just at home).Is 4gb of data good? I'll probably only be on after school and on the weekends and stuff.